The wineBANK movement started here, in the world-famous cradle of Riesling. The wineBANK in Hattenheim is attached to a winegrowing estate, with three exceptional fine-dining restaurants close by. La dolce vita awaits, in luxurious Rheingau style.

Private Cellars

wineBANK Rheingau – History meets modernity

The wineBANK features two historic vaulted cellars, from the 17th and 20th centuries respectively, that have been given a stylish makeover. Regionalism and sustainability are woven into the overall wineBANK design. The cellar has retained its beneficial coat of so-called cellar mold, which delivers a natural atmosphere that has been enhanced with high-quality slate from Bacharach and quartzite from the Taunus mountains. Energy-saving LEDs provide ideal lighting without emitting UV rays that could damage the wine.

Another special feature: wineBANK founder Christian Ress is also the owner of renowned VDP member estate Balthasar Ress. This lends itself to wonderful synergy between the Rheingau wineBANK and the Balthasar Ress estate. As a wineBANKer, you can have wines from Balthasar Ress delivered straight to your locker at special pricing. For larger format bottles, they can be stored in a dedicated large-format storage space. Book a moderated wine tasting or vineyard tour, concluding with a jovial toast back at the wineBANK.


Open 24/7

Exclusive catering partner

“By the Glass” wine dispenser

coolBOTTLE wine fridge for
chilled bottled wines on site

Meeting room
(on request)

Free parking lots nearby

Honesty bar

Free wifi

The Hosts

“The fact that my idea of creating a place where wine enthusiasts can come together day and night, store their wine optimally, share their passion and experience exclusive events is so successful makes me very proud.”

“Wine is incredibly multifaceted —
to show all these facets of wine and to experience them with the members is what I enjoy most as a club manager.”

Events & Benefits

As a wineBANK member, you’ll receive regular invitations to exclusive member-only events such as the wineBANKer’s Table, after-work drinks and seasonal events. From extravagant dinners and events with guest winegrowers from prestigious German estates to top-flight international operations and much more, membership offers the perfect opportunity to learn more about wine and to network with other wineBANKers. Different membership levels are available, allowing you to decide which factors are important, such as the most exclusive of events and the opportunity to bring along friends.

Snacks in the wineBANK

Snacks with wine are a must for an enjoyable evening at the wineBANK! The cookery workshop offers three delicious options, which you can find on the menu. Please provide the following information when ordering:

What would you like to order?

For how many people?

Delivery time and collection time

Name and address for billing address

Please send orders 7 days in advance to Marcus Fuchsberger at You will be billed separately and not via your monthly account.

To the menu



03/31/2025 19:30 | RHEINGAU

124. wineBANKers Table mit Weingut Karthäuserhof


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04/02/2025 19:00 | RHEINGAU

wineTASTING Zeilensprung

8 Winzer mit 8 Top Lagen

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04/25/2025 19:00 | RHEINGAU

4. once in a wineBANK lifetime

Der Legendäre Karthäuserhofberg Riesling GG und Kabinett in je 6 Jahrgängen

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04/28/2025 19:30 | RHEINGAU

125.wineBANKers Table mit VDP.Weingut Josef Milz

Vielfältige Rieslinge mit langer Geschichte

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05/22/2025 19:00 | RHEINGAU

wineTASTING "VDP.ORTSWEIN Botschafter bester Böden"

Kann man Bodenstruktur schmecken?

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05/24/2025 12:00 | RHEINGAU

Hattenheim Open - BR & Friends 2025

10 VDP.Weingüter präsentieren Ihre Weine

Read more


The Rheingau has much to offer and as wineBANKers you’ll enjoy exclusive privileges. You’ll receive regular invitations to events that bring you together with fascinating people and intriguing personalities from the wine world. And not just that: Your Member’s Card opens the door to additional discounts, free services, and surprises around the region.


Bringen Sie Ihre eigene Flasche Wein aus der wineBANK mit!

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Balthasar Ress

Das VDP. Weingut Balthasar Ress in Hattenheim gewährt je nach Kategorie der wineBANK Member's Card 3-10% Rabatte auf alle Weinkäufe, Rebstockpachten und Weinproben.

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Balthasar Ress - Suite

Exklusives Übernachtungsangebot in der Balthasar Ress Suite.

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Balthasar Ress Weinbar & Vinothek Frankfurt

Die Balthasar Ress Weinbar & Vinothek - der Flagship-Store des Weinguts Balthasar Ress im Herzen Frankfurts. Verkosten, Genießen und (W)Einkaufen direkt beim Weingut mit exklusiven Vorteilen.

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Balthasar Ress Weinbar & Vinothek Wiesbaden

Die Balthasar Ress Weinbar & Vinothek - der Flagship-Store des Weinguts Balthasar Ress im Herzen Wiesbadens. Verkosten, Genießen und (W)Einkaufen direkt beim Weingut mit exklusiven Vorteilen.

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Made im Rheingau

Herzblut, Leidenschaft und Liebe für den Rheingau.

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Zum Krug

Exklusives Übernachtungsangebot mit 4-Gang Abendmenü!

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123.wineBANKers Table mit PIWI Verkostung

Ausschließlich Weine aus Schleswig Holstein


wineTASTING der Auktionsweine des Weingut Kloster Eberbach

Exklusive Vorverkostung der Auktionsweine.


122.wineBANKers Tbel mit Weingut Schloss Proschwitz

Höchste Qualität aus Sachsen


121.wineBANKers Table mit Weingut Von Winning

Der letzte Table des Jahres mit dem Aufsteiger Weingut der letzten Jahre


123.wineBANKers Table mit PIWI aus Schleswig Holstein


To the gallery

wineTASTING der Auktionsweine des Weingut Kloster Eberbach


To the gallery

122.wineBANKers Tbel mit Weingut Schloss Proschwitz


To the gallery

3.once in a wineBANKers lifetime


To the gallery

MC Moritz Haidle rappt...


To the video

wineBANKer´s Table mit NDW-Star Markus


To the video

Die wineBANK bei RTL Hessen


To the video

Die wineBANK im Nachtjournal


To the video

Please log in as a member to see all events, benefits, news and photos

The Rheingau’s most beautiful side

The Rheingau is more than just home to some of Germany’s finest wines. It is also, from both a geographical and gastronomical viewpoint, an absolute anomaly. The small town of Hattenheim features a unique microclimate as well as boasting three outstanding restaurants known far beyond the borders of the Rheingau itself. Combine an aperitif at the wineBANK with a fine meal at Franz Keller’s “Adlerwirtschaft,” Josef Laufer’s “Zum Krug” or the “Kronenschlösschen,” followed by a stroll through world-famous Rüdesheim or a stop to admire the Eltville Rose Garden.

Hotel & Restaurant Kronenschlösschen

Hotel & Restaurant Kronenschlösschen

Hotel & Restaurant Zum Krug

Hotel & Restaurant Zum Krug

Balthasar Ress Suite

Balthasar Ress Suite

Wine tasting barrels Hattenheim

Wine tasting barrels Hattenheim

Kloster Eberbach

Kloster Eberbach

Balthasar Ress Vinothek

Balthasar Ress Vinothek

Balthasar Ress Gutshaus for your events

Balthasar Ress Gutshaus for your events

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The information you provide in the form is collected and processed for the completion of the request. The data will be deleted after the processing of the request has been finished. More detailed information regarding handling of user information can be found in our privacy policy.

Arrange visit appointment

The information you provide in the form is collected and processed for the completion of the request. The data will be deleted after the processing of the request has been finished. More detailed information regarding handling of user information can be found in our privacy policy.

Become a member

The information you provide in the form is collected and processed for the completion of the request. The data will be deleted after the processing of the request has been finished. More detailed information regarding handling of user information can be found in our privacy policy.

Operating company

Stefan B. Ress KG Weinkellerei
Rheinallee 50
65347 Eltville-Hattenheim